Davorin Dolinšek

BOJAN GLAVINA comments on FARIES, op. 13 and FANTASY PIECES, op. 17
/ Wed, 17 Aug, 2022     A+ | a-
With his two new works, Davorin Dolinšek brings a welcome refreshment to the repertoire of young pianists and simultaneously an interesting and meaningful contribution to Slovenian piano literature for the youth.
His compositional style is traditional, mostly romantic, with some harmonic elements of impressionism as well. Despite these influences (or perhaps precisely because of them), his compositions are interesting, vibrant, well developed in form, and pianistically effective.
In a mostly tonal musical approach the author constantly maintains a recognisable personal touch, characterised by clear melodic lines, colourful harmonies, and a profound feeling for the use of all piano registers with which he intuitively chooses and creates the most suitable expressions and sounds.
It shows that Dolinšek thoroughly masters all musical capabilities of the piano and that, like Chopin and other “pianistic” composers, his ideas and sound images stem from the instrument itself, thus enabling him to find his basic inspiration and artistic pleasure.
The musical ideas of both parts of this collection originate from fairy-tale and fantasy worlds of fairies, unicorns, fantastical landscapes, or even the vastness of the universe. The composer unobtrusively invites us to surrender to the subtle combination of piano sounds, letting our imagination travel to different, fantastical dimensions and experiencing rapture and transcendence through a rich palette of instrumental colour.
Bojan Glavina


Davorin Dolinšek s svojo novo zbirko prinaša dobrodošlo osvežitev v repertoar mladih pianistov ter obenem zanimiv in tehten prispevek slovenski klavirski literaturi za mladino.
Njegov kompozicijski slog je tradicionalen, večinoma zazrt v romantiko, tudi z nekaterimi harmonskimi primesmi impresionizma, kljub temu (ali pa prav zaradi tega) pa so njegove skladbe s pravljično tematiko zanimive, pestre, oblikovno dodelane, ter pianistično učinkovite. V pretežno tonalnem glasbenem jeziku avtor vseskozi ohranja prepoznaven individualni pečat, katerega značilnosti so jasnost melodičnih linij, harmonska barvitost in pretanjen občutek za uporabo vseh klavirskih registrov, s katerim intuitivno najbolj ustrezno izbira in ustvarja določene izraze in zvočne vsebine. Pozna se, da Dolinšek temeljito obvlada vse zvočne možnosti klavirja in da – podobno kot denimo pri Chopinu in še nekaterih drugih »pianističnih« skladateljih – tudi pri njem ideja oz. podoba zvoka praviloma izhaja iz samega instrumenta, kjer najde temeljno inspiracijo in umetniški užitek.
Glasbene ideje v obeh opusih te zbirke izvirajo iz pravljičnih in domišljijskih svetov vil, samorogov, fantazijskih pokrajin ali pa kar iz vesoljnega prostranstva. Skladatelj nas nevsiljivo nagovarja, da se prepustimo subtilnim kombinacijam klavirskih zvokov, ki lahko našo domišljijo popeljejo v druge, fantazijske dimenzije, ter se prepustimo (po)ustvarjanju in skozi občutenje bogate palete zvočnih barv doživimo izkušnjo zanosa in transcendence.

Bojan Glavina
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